Adam Homan
Fine Metal Sculpture
My vision is to inspire a feeling of childlike wonder and hope through my work. It was people like Jim Henson, Dr. Suess, George Lucas, Fred Rogers and many others who inspired me, and I carry that torch with me into the adult world. It's a privilege and honor to pour creativity into the world for over 25 years now. I have created over 7000 sculptures! I'm primarily a festival artist which means I thrive in a volatile and unpredictable market, so sponsors and donors are warmly welcomed! Patronage has long been an essential part of the arts. If you feel moved or inspired by my work I'm open to support and donations to assist in freeing up my creativity. It is only through your support over the years that allows me to continue. As always, I appreciate you and I am in gratitude for your support. I believe in miracles.